On Blogtalk Radio..... Witchtalk with Karagan. This is a fabulous show.
I download it as a podcast, but you can also listen live on Blogtalk Radio and take part by joining the chat room.
This is a two hour interview show. Karagan is a great host, with an interesting way of expressing himself (he is Portuguese). He is an Alexandrian witch with a great understanding of many paths.
Some recent interviews include Oberon Zell, Selena Fox, Raven Grimassi and Christopher Penczak. Two hours is a lot of time for an interview and a lot of discussion.
You can download this at iTunes or the Witchtalk site. I highly recommend this show, especially if you are interested in what some of the high profile people in paganism are doing, thinking and writing.
You can also find information about upcoming shows on Facebook.
Seriously, check out this show.
Thanks for introducing me to this podcast! Awesome!