There is always talk on the pagan blogs and podcasts about daily practice. Do you or don't you, why or why not, how to if you want....
Do I have a daily practice? Well, yes and no.
I spend time each day offering time or myself to deity. I spend time each day acknowledging the presence and importance of the elements. I offer casual conversation and my beliefs are part of my life, 24/7.
However, do I perform ritual everyday, no matter how long or short, how complex or how simple?
The answer to this is no, in spite of my very best intentions, plans and the energies that pull at me.
I hear and read many people in similar circumstances who chide themselves for being too busy or a little lazy or not dedicated enough.
I have always felt that this was not the answer. Maybe those answers apply to some, some of the time. But there is more to it for some of us, for many of us.
T.Thorn Coyle wrote about this recently and her words helped me put into words the feelings that I have about this.
Fear of the unknown. Fear that those powers are really real. Fear that taking that last step, that moving from 99.9% dedication to the goddess to 100% commitment will set in motion unstoppable changes in our lives. So we dither on the edge of the precipice.
I think there is a special, individual, unique time that we are each invited to step off that ledge.
'when you have come to the edge of all light that you know
and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown
faith is knowing one of two things will happen:
there will be something solid to stand on
or you will be taught to fly'
Patrick Overton
I never thought of it like that before. Good to know I'm not alone :)
ReplyDeleteI dont have a daily ritual either...I blame myself every day for it. Maybe Mr Coyle is right though....but I do send out my thoughts and energies to the deities, acknowledging that I know they are present in my every day life
ReplyDeleteWhat truth! Thank you for your inspirational words and wisdom.
ReplyDeleteGoddess Bless!
Nice post - something I think about often. I always like to hear what you (and Thorn) have to say!
ReplyDeleteOh...that was lovely!
ReplyDeleteI usually try and do a short meditation in the morning for the God and the evening for the Goddess...but it doesn't happen everyday. Of course, I try and celebrate all the Esbats and Sabbats, as well. And while I do well with the sabbats, life sometimes gets in the way of the esbats.
I try though.
My daily ritual is to always have 3 positive "what if's" in my head before I get out of bed in the morning.
ReplyDeleteIt is all too easy to say "What if something goes wrong?" or "What if I can't do that?"
So, instead, I say, "What if today I make a new friend?" or "What if I see an owl perched in the tree in the front yard?" or "What if I make a magickal incense that totally rocks?"
It's all about starting the day off with the most positive of intentions.
Brightest Blessings,