Blog changes

In an effort to get this blog back on track I have simplified it, deleted some of the attached one-topic blogs
and focused on Sabbats and Esbats, which was the original intent.
Other writings will be in 'stumbling upon the path of the goddess'
and the Borrowed Book of Charms is still active.
Links in the right hand column.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mineral and Crystals

I have Cunningham's book on Gem and Crystal Magic, but I am looking for something along the same lines, but with more stones and crystals and more information.  Any suggestions?  I was thinking about the Crystal Bible, I have seen it in stores and enjoyed looking through it, but I found the mineralogists on Amazon pointed out errors in crystal structure, class etc.  Not really into that, but those things are easy to look up and if you don't get those right and your proof reader doesn't check, it has to make the rest of the information suspect.  I may be passing on a good book, but I would like to find something else.  Any suggestions?


  1. I have this one:
    It's great and really informative.

  2. I am obsessed with crystals and do a lot of work with them. I bought a book called The Book of Stones. This book is great. It has a lot of crystals and stones in it. Why I like it, is because it tells you about the stone, the physcial, emotional and healing properties of the stone, as well as an affirmation that goes with the stone. Here is the link on Amazon to it.

    Hope this helps!

  3. This is one of my favorites.



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