It seems fitting to think of her on Samhein.
Samhein, Samhain, Samhuiin, Halloween, All Hallow's Eve, Oiche Shamhna, Nos Calan Gaeaf, Hallowmas, All Saints Day, Hollantide. Those are just some of the names from the British Isles. The day to honor the dead is known around the world and is usually at this time of year.
What we call the thinning of the veil between worlds is a force that people from ancient times have felt and honored. Even the Catholic Church at the height of its power in Europe could not stamp out this festival and had to settle for co-opting it. It is a powerful, mystical time of the year.
In Celtic lore, the Great Horned God dies at Samhein and passes into the underworld. He will be reborn at Yule and the Wheel will turn again. The Goddess is now seen in her Crone aspect, healer and destroyer as the winter progresses.
This is the end and the beginning of a new year. It is a time to look back on the year just passed, honor the dead who have crossed over during this year and take accounting of our own lives. It is a time to be honest with ourselves about what we have accomplished or failed to accomplish and what we want to do in the coming year.
Not in the way of making resolutions that has become a silly game played on January 1st, but a real committment to move forward with our lives.
Sometimes those who have died recently or other unknown spirits will reach out through the veil at this time. Some are able to hear or see them.
If you are contemplating being the one to reach out from this side of the veil, I urge you to take along an experienced guide or at the very least cast a strong circle and be very clear about whom you are inviting into it.
The last thing most of us need is a bored or malevolent energy hanging around in our lives. Personally I have never been tempted to try this, so perhaps I am more wary of it than it deserves. But caution can be a good thing.
Other than the spiritual side of the day, there is also, Trick 0r Treat, costume parties, time to act silly and see how you look in black and orange, pumpkin carving, corn mazes, haunted houses (the fake kind), and at least locally, the Witches Ball.
Have fun and be safe.
For anyone who missed this link on The Wild Hunt.....enjoy:
Fending off religious tourists and struggling to organize a coven on Halloween.
Have a happy Samhain!
ReplyDeleteWitches flying past on broomsticks,
Black cats leaping here and there,
White-robed spooks on every corner,
Mournful moaning in the air,
Goblins peering out of windows,
Spirit-things that rap and run-
But don't be scared-it's just October,
Having one last hour of fun!
I love that! thank you