I don't even notice that this is a commercial for beer. Every frame of this lovely minute is a classic holiday greeting card. Enjoy! and enjoy this holiday week.
Blog changes
In an effort to get this blog back on track I have simplified it, deleted some of the attached one-topic blogs
and focused on Sabbats and Esbats, which was the original intent.
Other writings will be in 'stumbling upon the path of the goddess'
and the Borrowed Book of Charms is still active.
Links in the right hand column.
and focused on Sabbats and Esbats, which was the original intent.
Other writings will be in 'stumbling upon the path of the goddess'
and the Borrowed Book of Charms is still active.
Links in the right hand column.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
December New Moon in Capricorn
New Moon in Capricorn, December 24, 2011 at 1:07pm EST.
If you are trying to develop some new habits of manifesting and appreciating and you have not tried this ritual yet, now would be an good time. The next Full Moon is near the beginning of the new year, an excellent time to take stock and offer thanks.
This is also an excellent time to do some cleansing; cleanse your ritual tools, cleanse the whole house with a sage and lemon grass smudge.
Crystals are often overlooked and they pick up energy from anyone who handles them and can become less effective when you want them for healing or ritual.
Hibiscus Moon offers a video demonstrating several different ways to clean your crystals HERE.
repeating New Moon ritual

You will need:
One candle to honor the Goddess in her new moon, blue or white is nice, any color is fine. I have a large pale blue/green candle that I use for all moon rituals.
Incense or sage for cleansing the area.
A small unused notebook and a pen.
Four items to honor the elements.
I sometimes use:
a small bottle of sand for the element of earth
a feather for the element of air
a red candle for the element of fire
a small cup of water for the element of water
When I am in a candle mood I use candles for the elements:
brown or green for earth
yellow or pink for air
red or orange for fire
blue or white for water
Cleanse the area with incense or sage. I create sacred space by simply grounding and centering and visualizing an area around myself filled with energy, closed to random or chaotic spirits and open only to those I invite.
Call the Elements.
I start with Earth. If you are using candles, light them as you call each Element.
Calling them can be as simple as 'I call the Element of Earth to attend and add energy to this sacred space' or as elaborate as you wish.
After calling the Elements, take a moment to honor Goddess, ask her to look favorably on this ritual that you offer up to her and light the candle for her.
Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Reach out to the Elements for additional energy and power. Fill the space around you with their power and energy and reflect on the new moon as an opportunity for new beginnings. An opportunity that we are offered over and over again.
Take your notebook and write something along the lines of:
I will manifest these things that I desire and need in my life and I will do so without harm to anyone else.
Then begin to write down what you need to create in your life. It can be a few things or many. Large or small, tangible or not.
Concentrate on manifesting these things in your life without harming anyone else.
Release the energy that you have created with this work and send it out into the universe to do your bidding.
Thank the Goddess for her presence in your life and put out her candle.
Thank the Elements for loaning you their energy and ask them to return to their own realms, putting out their candles (if any).
Bring yourself back to normal time/space, ground the energy creating your sacred space.
On the full moon take your notebook and cross off any items that have manifested in your life since the new moon. On the next new moon create a new list, leaving off the things that have already arrived. Do not just cross off and add to the old list, each new moon write down the new list.
On her blog Liz has a cleansing ritual bath that would be a wonderful way to prepare for this ritual. Check it out at Lizzie's Logic.
If you are trying to develop some new habits of manifesting and appreciating and you have not tried this ritual yet, now would be an good time. The next Full Moon is near the beginning of the new year, an excellent time to take stock and offer thanks.
This is also an excellent time to do some cleansing; cleanse your ritual tools, cleanse the whole house with a sage and lemon grass smudge.
Crystals are often overlooked and they pick up energy from anyone who handles them and can become less effective when you want them for healing or ritual.
Hibiscus Moon offers a video demonstrating several different ways to clean your crystals HERE.
repeating New Moon ritual

You will need:
One candle to honor the Goddess in her new moon, blue or white is nice, any color is fine. I have a large pale blue/green candle that I use for all moon rituals.
Incense or sage for cleansing the area.
A small unused notebook and a pen.
Four items to honor the elements.
I sometimes use:
a small bottle of sand for the element of earth
a feather for the element of air
a red candle for the element of fire
a small cup of water for the element of water
When I am in a candle mood I use candles for the elements:
brown or green for earth
yellow or pink for air
red or orange for fire
blue or white for water
Cleanse the area with incense or sage. I create sacred space by simply grounding and centering and visualizing an area around myself filled with energy, closed to random or chaotic spirits and open only to those I invite.
Call the Elements.
I start with Earth. If you are using candles, light them as you call each Element.
Calling them can be as simple as 'I call the Element of Earth to attend and add energy to this sacred space' or as elaborate as you wish.
After calling the Elements, take a moment to honor Goddess, ask her to look favorably on this ritual that you offer up to her and light the candle for her.
Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Reach out to the Elements for additional energy and power. Fill the space around you with their power and energy and reflect on the new moon as an opportunity for new beginnings. An opportunity that we are offered over and over again.
Take your notebook and write something along the lines of:
I will manifest these things that I desire and need in my life and I will do so without harm to anyone else.
Then begin to write down what you need to create in your life. It can be a few things or many. Large or small, tangible or not.
Concentrate on manifesting these things in your life without harming anyone else.
Release the energy that you have created with this work and send it out into the universe to do your bidding.
Thank the Goddess for her presence in your life and put out her candle.
Thank the Elements for loaning you their energy and ask them to return to their own realms, putting out their candles (if any).
Bring yourself back to normal time/space, ground the energy creating your sacred space.
On the full moon take your notebook and cross off any items that have manifested in your life since the new moon. On the next new moon create a new list, leaving off the things that have already arrived. Do not just cross off and add to the old list, each new moon write down the new list.
On her blog Liz has a cleansing ritual bath that would be a wonderful way to prepare for this ritual. Check it out at Lizzie's Logic.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Blessed Solstice
And for those of you celebrating the Summer Solstice - Happy Litha!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Sunrise today 7:17
Sunset today 4:38
(Denver CO)
Winter Solstice (Yule) is a very special Sabbat for me. I find myself slowing down as the days get shorter and colder, I can nearly come to a halt around Solstice. The return of the sun and the promise of another year creates energy for many of us, including me.
This is the Drumming up the Sun gathering at Red Rocks outside Denver. This one was several years ago. Tomorrow morning pagans and mystics of all types will gather again in the dark and the cold to greet the return of the sun. A ritual passed down through the eons in many different forms that survives all attempts to diminish it.
Sunset today 4:38
(Denver CO)
Winter Solstice (Yule) is a very special Sabbat for me. I find myself slowing down as the days get shorter and colder, I can nearly come to a halt around Solstice. The return of the sun and the promise of another year creates energy for many of us, including me.
This is the Drumming up the Sun gathering at Red Rocks outside Denver. This one was several years ago. Tomorrow morning pagans and mystics of all types will gather again in the dark and the cold to greet the return of the sun. A ritual passed down through the eons in many different forms that survives all attempts to diminish it.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
December Full Moon, Oak Moon
Also called the Cold Moon.
The Full Moon reigns supreme in this time before the solstice as we approach the longest nights of the year. This is a good time for ritual concentrating on the Moon.
This is also a good time for winding up unfinished projects, letting go of grievances and losses and focus on the coming year.
Winter Solstice is on the 22nd.
The Full Moon reigns supreme in this time before the solstice as we approach the longest nights of the year. This is a good time for ritual concentrating on the Moon.
This is also a good time for winding up unfinished projects, letting go of grievances and losses and focus on the coming year.
Winter Solstice is on the 22nd.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
spam and spam and spam
You would not believe how much spam has been generated by the little blog post over a year ago titled House Cleaning Witchy Style. Fortunately Blogger has caught them, at least many of them, I haven't actually checked the post comments for a long time. I am willing to bet that of the companies trying to use this post as a launch point for their ad, MOST of them have not read the post - they would probably be horrified.
LOL - just had to share. What has drawn the most spam on your blog?
LOL - just had to share. What has drawn the most spam on your blog?
Friday, November 25, 2011
December New Moon
Sagittarius New Moon at 1:10 am EST
I have been posting our repeating New Moon Ritual, but honestly I have not been keeping up with it myself. I just started a workout program, recently started changing my diet, reorganized my work life with a better schedule. I am ready for good changes in my life and I am going to commit to this ritual.
If you are seeking change in your life, join me.
repeating New Moon ritual

You will need:
One candle to honor the Goddess in her new moon, blue or white is nice, any color is fine. I have a large pale blue/green candle that I use for all moon rituals.
Incense or sage for cleansing the area.
A small unused notebook and a pen.
Four items to honor the elements.
I sometimes use:
a small bottle of sand for the element of earth
a feather for the element of air
a red candle for the element of fire
a small cup of water for the element of water
When I am in a candle mood I use candles for the elements:
brown or green for earth
yellow or pink for air
red or orange for fire
blue or white for water
Cleanse the area with incense or sage. I create sacred space by simply grounding and centering and visualizing an area around myself filled with energy, closed to random or chaotic spirits and open only to those I invite.
Call the Elements.
I start with Earth. If you are using candles, light them as you call each Element.
Calling them can be as simple as 'I call the Element of Earth to attend and add energy to this sacred space' or as elaborate as you wish.
After calling the Elements, take a moment to honor Goddess, ask her to look favorably on this ritual that you offer up to her and light the candle for her.
Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Reach out to the Elements for additional energy and power. Fill the space around you with their power and energy and reflect on the new moon as an opportunity for new beginnings. An opportunity that we are offered over and over again.
Take your notebook and write something along the lines of:
I will manifest these things that I desire and need in my life and I will do so without harm to anyone else.
Then begin to write down what you need to create in your life. It can be a few things or many. Large or small, tangible or not.
Concentrate on manifesting these things in your life without harming anyone else.
Release the energy that you have created with this work and send it out into the universe to do your bidding.
Thank the Goddess for her presence in your life and put out her candle.
Thank the Elements for loaning you their energy and ask them to return to their own realms, putting out their candles (if any).
Bring yourself back to normal time/space, ground the energy creating your sacred space.
On the full moon take your notebook and cross off any items that have manifested in your life since the new moon. On the next new moon create a new list, leaving off the things that have already arrived. Do not just cross off and add to the old list, each new moon write down the new list.
On her blog Liz has a cleansing ritual bath that would be a wonderful way to prepare for this ritual. Check it out at Lizzie's Logic.
I have been posting our repeating New Moon Ritual, but honestly I have not been keeping up with it myself. I just started a workout program, recently started changing my diet, reorganized my work life with a better schedule. I am ready for good changes in my life and I am going to commit to this ritual.
If you are seeking change in your life, join me.
repeating New Moon ritual

You will need:
One candle to honor the Goddess in her new moon, blue or white is nice, any color is fine. I have a large pale blue/green candle that I use for all moon rituals.
Incense or sage for cleansing the area.
A small unused notebook and a pen.
Four items to honor the elements.
I sometimes use:
a small bottle of sand for the element of earth
a feather for the element of air
a red candle for the element of fire
a small cup of water for the element of water
When I am in a candle mood I use candles for the elements:
brown or green for earth
yellow or pink for air
red or orange for fire
blue or white for water
Cleanse the area with incense or sage. I create sacred space by simply grounding and centering and visualizing an area around myself filled with energy, closed to random or chaotic spirits and open only to those I invite.
Call the Elements.
I start with Earth. If you are using candles, light them as you call each Element.
Calling them can be as simple as 'I call the Element of Earth to attend and add energy to this sacred space' or as elaborate as you wish.
After calling the Elements, take a moment to honor Goddess, ask her to look favorably on this ritual that you offer up to her and light the candle for her.
Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Reach out to the Elements for additional energy and power. Fill the space around you with their power and energy and reflect on the new moon as an opportunity for new beginnings. An opportunity that we are offered over and over again.
Take your notebook and write something along the lines of:
I will manifest these things that I desire and need in my life and I will do so without harm to anyone else.
Then begin to write down what you need to create in your life. It can be a few things or many. Large or small, tangible or not.
Concentrate on manifesting these things in your life without harming anyone else.
Release the energy that you have created with this work and send it out into the universe to do your bidding.
Thank the Goddess for her presence in your life and put out her candle.
Thank the Elements for loaning you their energy and ask them to return to their own realms, putting out their candles (if any).
Bring yourself back to normal time/space, ground the energy creating your sacred space.
On the full moon take your notebook and cross off any items that have manifested in your life since the new moon. On the next new moon create a new list, leaving off the things that have already arrived. Do not just cross off and add to the old list, each new moon write down the new list.
On her blog Liz has a cleansing ritual bath that would be a wonderful way to prepare for this ritual. Check it out at Lizzie's Logic.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
November Full Moon - Snow Moon
The Full Moon in Scorpio-Taurus is on November 10 at 3:16 pm EST
The November Full Moon is often known as the Snow Moon, Beaver Moon or Tree Moon.
This is a time of year to strengthen bonds with family and friends. The winter is coming and depending on others used to be necessary for survival. This is an old attitude that perhaps we should rely on more.
This is a good time of year for divination, remember that at Samhain the curtain was at its thinnest, that hasn't suddenly changed. Get out your Tarot cards, Runes, Pendulums, Crystals or whatever other tools you use and ask for guidance in the coming months.
Full Moon is, of course, a time that magical people of all traditions gather to honor the Goddess, or reflect on the universal energy or offer respect to local Gods and Goddesses.
If you do not have access to a Coven, a Grove, a Kindred, a Clan or another gathering and you feel that a community ritual would suit you best, look for the nearest Unitarian Church. Chances are they are holding a Circle tonight.
Along with ritual, this is a good time for relieving stress, teaching your body to relax, using meditation and essential oils can calm the mind and body and make the stresses of life easier to handle.
Try a simple cleansing/relaxing bath as part of your ritual today. Substitute or leave out ingredients to make use of what you have at hand. Lavender is relaxing to the mind and body and citrus is cleansing.
one cup of powered milk
half cup of espsom salts
half cup of sea salt
8 drops of lavender essential oil
4 drops lemon essential oil
Mix and pour into running bath water
I turn off the electric lights, light a candle and do a meditation while I am soaking in the heat and wonderful feelings from this bath.
The November Full Moon is often known as the Snow Moon, Beaver Moon or Tree Moon.
This is a time of year to strengthen bonds with family and friends. The winter is coming and depending on others used to be necessary for survival. This is an old attitude that perhaps we should rely on more.
This is a good time of year for divination, remember that at Samhain the curtain was at its thinnest, that hasn't suddenly changed. Get out your Tarot cards, Runes, Pendulums, Crystals or whatever other tools you use and ask for guidance in the coming months.
Full Moon is, of course, a time that magical people of all traditions gather to honor the Goddess, or reflect on the universal energy or offer respect to local Gods and Goddesses.
If you do not have access to a Coven, a Grove, a Kindred, a Clan or another gathering and you feel that a community ritual would suit you best, look for the nearest Unitarian Church. Chances are they are holding a Circle tonight.
Along with ritual, this is a good time for relieving stress, teaching your body to relax, using meditation and essential oils can calm the mind and body and make the stresses of life easier to handle.
Try a simple cleansing/relaxing bath as part of your ritual today. Substitute or leave out ingredients to make use of what you have at hand. Lavender is relaxing to the mind and body and citrus is cleansing.
one cup of powered milk
half cup of espsom salts
half cup of sea salt
8 drops of lavender essential oil
4 drops lemon essential oil
Mix and pour into running bath water
I turn off the electric lights, light a candle and do a meditation while I am soaking in the heat and wonderful feelings from this bath.
Full Moon Blessing to you
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
feeling stuck?
Here is a quick checklist on directing your thinking to enable you
to manifest what you need
instead of dwelling on the opposite.
Our thoughts create our reality, don't let yours run amok.
Monday, October 31, 2011
The Brits called her Morgan Le Fay, the Celts called her Morrigan. She was the ruler of the Isle of Avalon and the death Goddess. "The ambivalence with which she is traditionally represented echoes our own fear of her deep and ancient wisdom." Michael Babcock
It seems fitting to think of her on Samhain. I don't recommend calling on the Morrigan on this night for special favors unless you already have a relationship with her, but a recognition of her power and her connection to our rituals this night would be appropriate.
Samhein, Samhain, Samhuiin, Halloween, All Hallow's Eve, Oiche Shamhna, Nos Calan Gaeaf, Hallowmas, All Saints Day, Hollantide. Those are just some of the names from the British Isles. The day to honor the dead is known around the world and is usually at this time of year.
What we call the thinning of the veil between worlds is a force that people from ancient times have felt and honored. Even the Catholic Church at the height of its power in Europe could not stamp out this festival and had to settle for co-opting it. It is a powerful, mystical time of the year.
In Celtic lore, the Great Horned God dies at Samhein and passes into the underworld. He will be reborn at Yule and the Wheel will turn again. The Goddess is now seen in her Crone aspect, healer and destroyer as the winter progresses.
This is the end of a year. It is a time to look back on the year just passed, honor the dead who have crossed over during this year and take accounting of our own lives. It is a time to be honest with ourselves about what we have accomplished or failed to accomplish and what we want to do in the coming year.
Not in the way of making resolutions that has become a silly game played on January 1st, but a real committment to move forward with our lives.
In the last few years I have begun celebrating Samhain as the end of the year and the Winter Solstice as the beginning of the next year. The time in between is for meditating and thinking and making plans for the future. It is a quiet time of the year in nature and I try to take advantage of that and quiet down my own life, my thoughts and my energy.
Celebrate Samhain with an acknowledgement of the thinning of the veil, send thoughts, requests or just good feelings to those that you know who have passed to the other side and might be listening on this evening. I will set an extra place at the dinner table tonight just in case a passing spirit wants to stay for a while and be included in an earthly ritual.
Other than the spiritual side of the day, there is also, Trick or Treat, costume parties, time to act silly and see how you look in black and orange, pumpkin carving, corn mazes, haunted houses (the fake kind), and at least locally, the Witches Ball.
Have fun and be safe.
(reposted with some editing from 2008)
It seems fitting to think of her on Samhain. I don't recommend calling on the Morrigan on this night for special favors unless you already have a relationship with her, but a recognition of her power and her connection to our rituals this night would be appropriate.
Samhein, Samhain, Samhuiin, Halloween, All Hallow's Eve, Oiche Shamhna, Nos Calan Gaeaf, Hallowmas, All Saints Day, Hollantide. Those are just some of the names from the British Isles. The day to honor the dead is known around the world and is usually at this time of year.
What we call the thinning of the veil between worlds is a force that people from ancient times have felt and honored. Even the Catholic Church at the height of its power in Europe could not stamp out this festival and had to settle for co-opting it. It is a powerful, mystical time of the year.
In Celtic lore, the Great Horned God dies at Samhein and passes into the underworld. He will be reborn at Yule and the Wheel will turn again. The Goddess is now seen in her Crone aspect, healer and destroyer as the winter progresses.
This is the end of a year. It is a time to look back on the year just passed, honor the dead who have crossed over during this year and take accounting of our own lives. It is a time to be honest with ourselves about what we have accomplished or failed to accomplish and what we want to do in the coming year.
Not in the way of making resolutions that has become a silly game played on January 1st, but a real committment to move forward with our lives.
In the last few years I have begun celebrating Samhain as the end of the year and the Winter Solstice as the beginning of the next year. The time in between is for meditating and thinking and making plans for the future. It is a quiet time of the year in nature and I try to take advantage of that and quiet down my own life, my thoughts and my energy.
Celebrate Samhain with an acknowledgement of the thinning of the veil, send thoughts, requests or just good feelings to those that you know who have passed to the other side and might be listening on this evening. I will set an extra place at the dinner table tonight just in case a passing spirit wants to stay for a while and be included in an earthly ritual.
Other than the spiritual side of the day, there is also, Trick or Treat, costume parties, time to act silly and see how you look in black and orange, pumpkin carving, corn mazes, haunted houses (the fake kind), and at least locally, the Witches Ball.
Have fun and be safe.
(reposted with some editing from 2008)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
October New Moon
New Moon in Scorpio on October 26, 2011 at 3:56pm EDT
If you are having some financial woes, try this chant on this New Moon to help get you going again.
On the night of a dark Moon, stand facing the North and say 3 times 3 this chant as you toss a fist full of Tea up into the air. By the next full moon you will have gained the money you desire.
“Money hearken and hear my plea,
I need money to come to me.
Bring thee money to my stead,
Money to buy a loaf of bread.”
By the next full moon you will have gained the money you desire.
You don’t have to use the last verse if you don’t feel it suits your thoughts or purpose in the magick. But it is a very old chant from generations passed and I find they understand my desires for whatever the need be.
by: Lady Abigail
All rights reserved under the US copyright laws and statues.
Copyright © 12312003
Thanks to Lady Abigail for her permission to publish this information
And our repeating New Moon ritual:

You will need:
One candle to honor the Goddess in her new moon, blue or white is nice, any color is fine. I have a large pale blue/green candle that I use for all moon rituals.
Incense or sage for cleansing the area.
A small unused notebook and a pen.
Four items to honor the elements.
I sometimes use:
a small bottle of sand for the element of earth
a feather for the element of air
a red candle for the element of fire
a small cup of water for the element of water
When I am in a candle mood I use candles for the elements:
brown or green for earth
yellow or pink for air
red or orange for fire
blue or white for water
Cleanse the area with incense or sage. I create sacred space by simply grounding and centering and visualizing an area around myself filled with energy, closed to random or chaotic spirits and open only to those I invite.
Call the Elements.
I start with Earth. If you are using candles, light them as you call each Element.
Calling them can be as simple as 'I call the Element of Earth to attend and add energy to this sacred space' or as elaborate as you wish.
After calling the Elements, take a moment to honor Goddess, ask her to look favorably on this ritual that you offer up to her and light the candle for her.
Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Reach out to the Elements for additional energy and power. Fill the space around you with their power and energy and reflect on the new moon as an opportunity for new beginnings. An opportunity that we are offered over and over again.
Take your notebook and write something along the lines of:
I will manifest these things that I desire and need in my life and I will do so without harm to anyone else.
Then begin to write down what you need to create in your life. It can be a few things or many. Large or small, tangible or not.
Concentrate on manifesting these things in your life without harming anyone else.
Release the energy that you have created with this work and send it out into the universe to do your bidding.
Thank the Goddess for her presence in your life and put out her candle.
Thank the Elements for loaning you their energy and ask them to return to their own realms, putting out their candles (if any).
Bring yourself back to normal time/space, ground the energy creating your sacred space.
On the full moon take your notebook and cross off any items that have manifested in your life since the new moon. On the next new moon create a new list, leaving off the things that have already arrived. Do not just cross off and add to the old list, each new moon write down the new list.
On her blog Liz has a cleansing ritual bath that would be a wonderful way to prepare for this ritual. Check it out at Lizzie's Logic.
If you are having some financial woes, try this chant on this New Moon to help get you going again.
On the night of a dark Moon, stand facing the North and say 3 times 3 this chant as you toss a fist full of Tea up into the air. By the next full moon you will have gained the money you desire.
“Money hearken and hear my plea,
I need money to come to me.
Bring thee money to my stead,
Money to buy a loaf of bread.”
By the next full moon you will have gained the money you desire.
You don’t have to use the last verse if you don’t feel it suits your thoughts or purpose in the magick. But it is a very old chant from generations passed and I find they understand my desires for whatever the need be.
by: Lady Abigail
All rights reserved under the US copyright laws and statues.
Copyright © 12312003
Thanks to Lady Abigail for her permission to publish this information
And our repeating New Moon ritual:

You will need:
One candle to honor the Goddess in her new moon, blue or white is nice, any color is fine. I have a large pale blue/green candle that I use for all moon rituals.
Incense or sage for cleansing the area.
A small unused notebook and a pen.
Four items to honor the elements.
I sometimes use:
a small bottle of sand for the element of earth
a feather for the element of air
a red candle for the element of fire
a small cup of water for the element of water
When I am in a candle mood I use candles for the elements:
brown or green for earth
yellow or pink for air
red or orange for fire
blue or white for water
Cleanse the area with incense or sage. I create sacred space by simply grounding and centering and visualizing an area around myself filled with energy, closed to random or chaotic spirits and open only to those I invite.
Call the Elements.
I start with Earth. If you are using candles, light them as you call each Element.
Calling them can be as simple as 'I call the Element of Earth to attend and add energy to this sacred space' or as elaborate as you wish.
After calling the Elements, take a moment to honor Goddess, ask her to look favorably on this ritual that you offer up to her and light the candle for her.
Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Reach out to the Elements for additional energy and power. Fill the space around you with their power and energy and reflect on the new moon as an opportunity for new beginnings. An opportunity that we are offered over and over again.
Take your notebook and write something along the lines of:
I will manifest these things that I desire and need in my life and I will do so without harm to anyone else.
Then begin to write down what you need to create in your life. It can be a few things or many. Large or small, tangible or not.
Concentrate on manifesting these things in your life without harming anyone else.
Release the energy that you have created with this work and send it out into the universe to do your bidding.
Thank the Goddess for her presence in your life and put out her candle.
Thank the Elements for loaning you their energy and ask them to return to their own realms, putting out their candles (if any).
Bring yourself back to normal time/space, ground the energy creating your sacred space.
On the full moon take your notebook and cross off any items that have manifested in your life since the new moon. On the next new moon create a new list, leaving off the things that have already arrived. Do not just cross off and add to the old list, each new moon write down the new list.
On her blog Liz has a cleansing ritual bath that would be a wonderful way to prepare for this ritual. Check it out at Lizzie's Logic.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
October Full Moon
Full moon at 10:06pm EDT
The weather is still mild, if possible go outside tonight and enjoy the power of the Full Moon. A Full Moon Ritual does not need to be anything elaborate or take a lot of planning. Light a candle, say hello to the Goddess, meditate in the light of the Moon. Big elaborate rituals are great events, but just taking time to bow out of the modern world for a few minutes and share the wonder that people have felt for thousands of years when they watch the Full Moon can be a wonderful, powerful experience.
Many of us associate the Moon with the presence of Goddess, take a minute and tell her so.
The weather is still mild, if possible go outside tonight and enjoy the power of the Full Moon. A Full Moon Ritual does not need to be anything elaborate or take a lot of planning. Light a candle, say hello to the Goddess, meditate in the light of the Moon. Big elaborate rituals are great events, but just taking time to bow out of the modern world for a few minutes and share the wonder that people have felt for thousands of years when they watch the Full Moon can be a wonderful, powerful experience.
Many of us associate the Moon with the presence of Goddess, take a minute and tell her so.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Repeating New Moon Ritual
New Moon on September 27 at 7:09am EDT
I am still doing this repeating New Moon ritual. I just love it. To me it is the perfect way to celebrate the cycle of cleansing, renewal and stepping forward. 
You will need:
One candle to honor the Goddess in her new moon, blue or white is nice, any color is fine. I have a large pale blue/green candle that I use for all moon rituals.
Incense or sage for cleansing the area.
A small unused notebook and a pen.
Four items to honor the elements.
I sometimes use:
a small bottle of sand for the element of earth
a feather for the element of air
a red candle for the element of fire
a small cup of water for the element of water
When I am in a candle mood I use candles for the elements:
brown or green for earth
yellow or pink for air
red or orange for fire
blue or white for water
Cleanse the area with incense or sage. I create sacred space by simply grounding and centering and visualizing an area around myself filled with energy, closed to random or chaotic spirits and open only to those I invite.
Call the Elements.
I start with Earth. If you are using candles, light them as you call each Element.
Calling them can be as simple as 'I call the Element of Earth to attend and add energy to this sacred space' or as elaborate as you wish.
After calling the Elements, take a moment to honor Goddess, ask her to look favorably on this ritual that you offer up to her and light the candle for her.
Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Reach out to the Elements for additional energy and power. Fill the space around you with their power and energy and reflect on the new moon as an opportunity for new beginnings. An opportunity that we are offered over and over again.
Take your notebook and write something along the lines of:
I will manifest these things that I desire and need in my life and I will do so without harm to anyone else.
Then begin to write down what you need to create in your life. It can be a few things or many. Large or small, tangible or not.
Concentrate on manifesting these things in your life without harming anyone else.
Release the energy that you have created with this work and send it out into the universe to do your bidding.
Thank the Goddess for her presence in your life and put out her candle.
Thank the Elements for loaning you their energy and ask them to return to their own realms, putting out their candles (if any).
Bring yourself back to normal time/space, ground the energy creating your sacred space.
On the full moon take your notebook and cross off any items that have manifested in your life since the new moon. On the next new moon create a new list, leaving off the things that have already arrived. Do not just cross off and add to the old list, each new moon write down the new list.
On her blog Liz has a cleansing ritual bath that would be a wonderful way to prepare for this ritual. Check it out at Lizzie's Logic.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Equinox, Mabon and Ostara
Image from Cauldron of the Goddess
and the Southern Hemisphere is celebrating spring and greeting Ostara
and the Southern Hemisphere is celebrating spring and greeting Ostara
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Fall Equinox
The Fall or Autumn Equinox is this week, September 23, 2011.
Also known as Mabon, it is the major harvest festival and the time of counting down to winter. While the days have been getting shorter since the Summer Solstice, we tend not to notice too much until around this time in the fall, when suddenly it seems that we can feel the shortness of the days every day, earlier sundowns, darker mornings and we travel down the road to darkness until the Winter Solstice.
On the 23rd day and night are equal length and traditionally cultures around the world celebrate this day.
In our modern culture many people celebrate fall festivals without knowing why. Take away modern conveniences and our ancestors celebrate the fall as a time of plenty, knowing that not everyone will survive the winter and be able to celebrate the spring. In temperate climates winters can be harsh so the last days of warm days, full pantries and a little free time should be celebrated by all of us.
My Wheel of the Year is divided into Sun Festivals (Solstices and Equinoxes) and Fire Festivals (Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasad and Samhain). Celebrate this Sun Festival with friends and neighbors, eat out of the fall harvests and enjoy the changing of the seasons.
Also known as Mabon, it is the major harvest festival and the time of counting down to winter. While the days have been getting shorter since the Summer Solstice, we tend not to notice too much until around this time in the fall, when suddenly it seems that we can feel the shortness of the days every day, earlier sundowns, darker mornings and we travel down the road to darkness until the Winter Solstice.
On the 23rd day and night are equal length and traditionally cultures around the world celebrate this day.
In our modern culture many people celebrate fall festivals without knowing why. Take away modern conveniences and our ancestors celebrate the fall as a time of plenty, knowing that not everyone will survive the winter and be able to celebrate the spring. In temperate climates winters can be harsh so the last days of warm days, full pantries and a little free time should be celebrated by all of us.
My Wheel of the Year is divided into Sun Festivals (Solstices and Equinoxes) and Fire Festivals (Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasad and Samhain). Celebrate this Sun Festival with friends and neighbors, eat out of the fall harvests and enjoy the changing of the seasons.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
August Full Moon - Corn Moon
The Corn Moon is one of the early harvest moons. Gratitude, happiness in a successful crop (agricultural or not) and celebration of a good year are all part of the time of the Corn Moon.
The Moon is full at 2:57 pm EDT
In the spirit of community I am taking part in the worldwide community meditation this weekend. The energy of the Full Moon endures for three day before and after. Join the meditation or plan your ritual within that time to celebrate the Full Moon. See the previous post for info on the group meditation.
Be inspired by the words of Doreen Valiente in the Charge of the Goddess. Even if you have read it a thousand times, sit under the Full Moon and read it aloud again.
Charge of the Goddess
Traditional by Doreen Valiente, as adapted by Starhawk:Listen to the words of the Great Mother, Who of old was called Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arionrhod, Brigid, and by many other names:
Whenever you have need of anything, once a month, and better it be when the moon is full, you shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of Me Who is Queen of all the Wise.
You shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that you be free you shall be naked in your rites.
Sing, feast, dance, make music and love, all in My Presence, for Mine is the ecstasy of the spirit and Mine also is joy on earth.
For My law is love is unto all beings. Mine is the secret that opens the door of youth, and Mine is the cup of wine of life that is the cauldron of Cerridwen, that is the holy grail of immortality.
I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal, and beyond death I give peace and freedom and reunion with those that have gone before.
Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the Mother of all things and My love is poured out upon the earth.
Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust of Whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, whose body encircles the universe:
I Who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters,
I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me.
For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.
From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.
Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.
Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.
And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.
For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am That which is attained at the end of desire.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Full Moon Meditation
The Full Moon is almost upon us (more on that later) and there is a worldwide meditation being planned on Facebook. Here is the link
It starts on Friday evening and continues until Sunday morning. Join in, drop out whenever you wish, join in the energy. A solitary meditation, a group meditation or a Full Moon Ritual could all be part of the group energy.
It starts on Friday evening and continues until Sunday morning. Join in, drop out whenever you wish, join in the energy. A solitary meditation, a group meditation or a Full Moon Ritual could all be part of the group energy.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Lughnasadh and Lammas
I started writing a post about Lugh and realized I was repeating myself. So for those of you who read last year's post on Lughnasadh/Lammas - nothing new here, skip to the last paragraph if you would like a suggestion on your celebration. If you missed last year's post, enjoy.....
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..Lugh.. |
Lughnasadh (don't even try the nuances of the Gaelic pronunciation just stick with LOO-nus-uh) is a harvest feast and games held at the order of the Celtic god Lugh to honor his foster mother Tailtiu. Tailtiu may have been a mother earth goddess. She died at the harvest and told her followers to remember her by holding games in her honor. Lugh carried out these wishes and the festivities and competitions that help to celebrate the harvest are named after him. Athletic competitions, music and dance, eating and drinking are all part of Lughnasadh.
Lugh was the god of all skills and arts and honored even today as the patron of blacksmiths.
The earliest mention of him describes him as a King of the Tuatha de Danann and the master of many arts. Later stories refer to him as the god of all skills and relate many stories about these skills. Still later, because of the harvest festival and games that were held at his order, he became associated primarily with the harvest.
His heritage, like many of the early Celtic gods, was complicated. Wikipedia does a good job of condensing it into a few lines:
Much of the early history of Ireland is recorded in the Book of Invasions, which recounts the many times Ireland was conquered by foreign enemies. According to this chronicle, Lugh was the grandson of one of the Fomorians, a monstrous race that were the enemy of the Tuatha de Danann. Lugh's grandfather, Balor of the Evil Eye, had been told he would be murdered by a grandson, so he imprisoned his only daughter in a cave. One of the Tuatha seduced her, and she gave birth to triplets. Balor drowned two of them, but Lugh survived and was raised by a smith. He later led the Tuatha in battle, and indeed killed Balor.
More information on Lugh can be found at Magic of Mythology
image found at PaganNews.com
Lammas, on the other hand, is a Christian celebration of the first wheat harvest. Farmers would take a loaf of fresh bread made from the current wheat harvest to church to offer as thanks and to ask for a blessing for the rest of the harvest. It was also called the Feast of the First Fruits and celebrated with bread and apples. This may a case of "if you can't beat em, join em" and a way to de-paganize a celebration without causing too much resistance. But this is primarily an Anglo-Saxon tradition and may only be related to Lughnasadh by coincidence. All farming cultures celebrate the harvest and these appear to be two separate celebrations by two different cultures at two different times in history.
I don't know how the two terms came to be interchangeable in neo-Pagan circles, but there is a distinct difference in their history.
Nowadays I think we are doing well to remember to celebrate the harvest at all (unless you happen to be a farmer) so I suppose the name is not all that important, but it is nice to know the origins of these things.
Celebrate by offering thanks for our abundant earth. Light candles of orange and yellow, burn incense of rose or sandalwood. Prepare a meal of lamb, wheat bread, apples and wine and offer it to Lugh or whichever deity you owe some thanks to. Don't forget to include some fun in the day including some games or competitions. photo found here
Saturday, July 30, 2011
New Moon Ritual
The New Moon is Saturday, July 30 at 2:40 pm EDT
I am still doing this repeating New Moon ritual. I just love it. To me it is the perfect way to celebrate the cycle of cleansing, renewal and stepping forward.

You will need:
One candle to honor the Goddess in her new moon, blue or white is nice, any color is fine. I have a large pale blue/green candle that I use for all moon rituals.
Incense or sage for cleansing the area.
A small unused notebook and a pen.
Four items to honor the elements.
I sometimes use:
a small bottle of sand for the element of earth
a feather for the element of air
a red candle for the element of fire
a small cup of water for the element of water
When I am in a candle mood I use candles for the elements:
brown or green for earth
yellow or pink for air
red or orange for fire
blue or white for water
Cleanse the area with incense or sage. I create sacred space by simply grounding and centering and visualizing an area around myself filled with energy, closed to random or chaotic spirits and open only to those I invite.
Call the Elements.
I start with Earth. If you are using candles, light them as you call each Element.
Calling them can be as simple as 'I call the Element of Earth to attend and add energy to this sacred space' or as elaborate as you wish.
After calling the Elements, take a moment to honor Goddess, ask her to look favorably on this ritual that you offer up to her and light the candle for her.
Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Reach out to the Elements for additional energy and power. Fill the space around you with their power and energy and reflect on the new moon as an opportunity for new beginnings. An opportunity that we are offered over and over again.
Take your notebook and write something along the lines of:
I will manifest these things that I desire and need in my life and I will do so without harm to anyone else.
Then begin to write down what you need to create in your life. It can be a few things or many. Large or small, tangible or not.
Concentrate on manifesting these things in your life without harming anyone else.
Release the energy that you have created with this work and send it out into the universe to do your bidding.
Thank the Goddess for her presence in your life and put out her candle.
Thank the Elements for loaning you their energy and ask them to return to their own realms, putting out their candles (if any).
Bring yourself back to normal time/space, ground the energy creating your sacred space.
On the full moon take your notebook and cross off any items that have manifested in your life since the new moon. On the next new moon create a new list, leaving off the things that have already arrived. Do not just cross off and add to the old list, each new moon write down the new list.
On her blog Liz has a cleansing ritual bath that would be a wonderful way to prepare for this ritual. Check it out at Lizzie's Logic.
I am still doing this repeating New Moon ritual. I just love it. To me it is the perfect way to celebrate the cycle of cleansing, renewal and stepping forward.

You will need:
One candle to honor the Goddess in her new moon, blue or white is nice, any color is fine. I have a large pale blue/green candle that I use for all moon rituals.
Incense or sage for cleansing the area.
A small unused notebook and a pen.
Four items to honor the elements.
I sometimes use:
a small bottle of sand for the element of earth
a feather for the element of air
a red candle for the element of fire
a small cup of water for the element of water
When I am in a candle mood I use candles for the elements:
brown or green for earth
yellow or pink for air
red or orange for fire
blue or white for water
Cleanse the area with incense or sage. I create sacred space by simply grounding and centering and visualizing an area around myself filled with energy, closed to random or chaotic spirits and open only to those I invite.
Call the Elements.
I start with Earth. If you are using candles, light them as you call each Element.
Calling them can be as simple as 'I call the Element of Earth to attend and add energy to this sacred space' or as elaborate as you wish.
After calling the Elements, take a moment to honor Goddess, ask her to look favorably on this ritual that you offer up to her and light the candle for her.
Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Reach out to the Elements for additional energy and power. Fill the space around you with their power and energy and reflect on the new moon as an opportunity for new beginnings. An opportunity that we are offered over and over again.
Take your notebook and write something along the lines of:
I will manifest these things that I desire and need in my life and I will do so without harm to anyone else.
Then begin to write down what you need to create in your life. It can be a few things or many. Large or small, tangible or not.
Concentrate on manifesting these things in your life without harming anyone else.
Release the energy that you have created with this work and send it out into the universe to do your bidding.
Thank the Goddess for her presence in your life and put out her candle.
Thank the Elements for loaning you their energy and ask them to return to their own realms, putting out their candles (if any).
Bring yourself back to normal time/space, ground the energy creating your sacred space.
On the full moon take your notebook and cross off any items that have manifested in your life since the new moon. On the next new moon create a new list, leaving off the things that have already arrived. Do not just cross off and add to the old list, each new moon write down the new list.
On her blog Liz has a cleansing ritual bath that would be a wonderful way to prepare for this ritual. Check it out at Lizzie's Logic.
***Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, is coming up in two days***
Thursday, July 14, 2011
July Full Moon - Mead Moon
July is a time for divination and meditation. The energy is slowing down, the first harvests are about to begin. July is an excellent time for prosperity spells and for planning for the immediate future. .
The July Full Moon is dedicated to Mead - the nectar of the Gods. Mead is a symbol of prosperity and celebration.
Celebrate the abundance in your life and use this time to gain more of what you need. There is a prosperity spell on the Borrowed Book of Charms page that is short and simple and directs the natural flow of this month's energy, using the Tarot to help direct this spell.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Happy Solstice!
In the northern half of the world we are enjoying the Summer Solstice.
Happy Winter Solstice to everyone in the southern hemisphere.
Friday, February 18, 2011
February Full Moon - Storm Moon, Quickening Moon
February Full Moon 3:36am EST
In the Northern Hemisphere energy is beginning to flow, you can feel the earth starting to awaken, but the winter is not over and for our ancestors this was a time of extreme hardship and of hope that spring would arrive soon.
This is a good time to center your ritual around cleaning out the old to make room for the new. Get rid of clutter and unused items. Make your living and work space fresh and clean. Leave space in your life for the next cycle.
This is also a time to do fertility rituals.
As we look forward to spring, don't forget to honor the moment we are in The stark, cold, quiet February Moon should not be rushed past on the way to spring.
In the Northern Hemisphere energy is beginning to flow, you can feel the earth starting to awaken, but the winter is not over and for our ancestors this was a time of extreme hardship and of hope that spring would arrive soon.
This is a good time to center your ritual around cleaning out the old to make room for the new. Get rid of clutter and unused items. Make your living and work space fresh and clean. Leave space in your life for the next cycle.
This is also a time to do fertility rituals.
As we look forward to spring, don't forget to honor the moment we are in The stark, cold, quiet February Moon should not be rushed past on the way to spring.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
repeating New Moon Ritual
The New Moon is Wednesday, February 2 at 9:31pm EST.

You will need:
One candle to honor the Goddess in her new moon, blue or white is nice, any color is fine. I have a large pale blue/green candle that I use for all moon rituals.
Incense or sage for cleansing the area.
A small unused notebook and a pen.
Four items to honor the elements.
I sometimes use:
a small bottle of sand for the element of earth
a feather for the element of air
a red candle for the element of fire
a small cup of water for the element of water
When I am in a candle mood I use candles for the elements:
brown or green for earth
yellow or pink for air
red or orange for fire
blue or white for water
Cleanse the area with incense or sage. I create sacred space by simply grounding and centering and visualizing an area around myself filled with energy, closed to random or chaotic spirits and open only to those I invite.
Call the Elements.
I start with Earth. If you are using candles, light them as you call each Element.
Calling them can be as simple as 'I call the Element of Earth to attend and add energy to this sacred space' or as elaborate as you wish.
After calling the Elements, take a moment to honor Goddess, ask her to look favorably on this ritual that you offer up to her and light the candle for her.
Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Reach out to the Elements for additional energy and power. Fill the space around you with their power and energy and reflect on the new moon as an opportunity for new beginnings. An opportunity that we are offered over and over again.
Take your notebook and write something along the lines of:
I will manifest these things that I desire and need in my life and I will do so without harm to anyone else.
Then begin to write down what you need to create in your life. It can be a few things or many. Large or small, tangible or not.
Concentrate on manifesting these things in your life without harming anyone else.
Release the energy that you have created with this work and send it out into the universe to do your bidding.
Thank the Goddess for her presence in your life and put out her candle.
Thank the Elements for loaning you their energy and ask them to return to their own realms, putting out their candles (if any).
Bring yourself back to normal time/space, ground the energy creating your sacred space.
On the full moon take your notebook and cross off any items that have manifested in your life since the new moon. On the next new moon create a new list, leaving off the things that have already arrived. Do not just cross off and add to the old list, each new moon write down the new list.
On her blog Liz has a cleansing ritual bath that would be a wonderful way to prepare for this ritual. Check it out at Lizzie's Logic.

You will need:
One candle to honor the Goddess in her new moon, blue or white is nice, any color is fine. I have a large pale blue/green candle that I use for all moon rituals.
Incense or sage for cleansing the area.
A small unused notebook and a pen.
Four items to honor the elements.
I sometimes use:
a small bottle of sand for the element of earth
a feather for the element of air
a red candle for the element of fire
a small cup of water for the element of water
When I am in a candle mood I use candles for the elements:
brown or green for earth
yellow or pink for air
red or orange for fire
blue or white for water
Cleanse the area with incense or sage. I create sacred space by simply grounding and centering and visualizing an area around myself filled with energy, closed to random or chaotic spirits and open only to those I invite.
Call the Elements.
I start with Earth. If you are using candles, light them as you call each Element.
Calling them can be as simple as 'I call the Element of Earth to attend and add energy to this sacred space' or as elaborate as you wish.
After calling the Elements, take a moment to honor Goddess, ask her to look favorably on this ritual that you offer up to her and light the candle for her.
Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Reach out to the Elements for additional energy and power. Fill the space around you with their power and energy and reflect on the new moon as an opportunity for new beginnings. An opportunity that we are offered over and over again.
Take your notebook and write something along the lines of:
I will manifest these things that I desire and need in my life and I will do so without harm to anyone else.
Then begin to write down what you need to create in your life. It can be a few things or many. Large or small, tangible or not.
Concentrate on manifesting these things in your life without harming anyone else.
Release the energy that you have created with this work and send it out into the universe to do your bidding.
Thank the Goddess for her presence in your life and put out her candle.
Thank the Elements for loaning you their energy and ask them to return to their own realms, putting out their candles (if any).
Bring yourself back to normal time/space, ground the energy creating your sacred space.
On the full moon take your notebook and cross off any items that have manifested in your life since the new moon. On the next new moon create a new list, leaving off the things that have already arrived. Do not just cross off and add to the old list, each new moon write down the new list.
On her blog Liz has a cleansing ritual bath that would be a wonderful way to prepare for this ritual. Check it out at Lizzie's Logic.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Imbolc, Brigid and a New Moon
If you have any plans whatsoever to start anything new, now is the time. The energy for new beginnings is strong over the next few days.
February 1st is Imbolc. The halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The return of the sun is beginning to be felt in earnest. The heat and the light are increasing. Lambing season, the ultimate sign of spring in most of Europe, is nearly underway. It is not spring, but the earth is beginning to wake from the winter sleep and small signs of the new season are everywhere. A simple traditional way to celebrate this day is to light a candle in every room of the house, or simply turn on a light in each room and take a moment to appreciate the difference that light makes and be grateful for the return of the sun.
February 1st is also the traditional day to honor the goddess Brigid, Celtic goddess of fire, both the fire of the hearth and the fire of the forge. She is a goddess of creativity and new beginnings, created in fire. Throw open all the doors and windows of your home on this day and stand in the front door and invite Brigid into your home, with all of her energies for new life and creativity.
February 2 is a New Moon; always a good time to take stock of what you want to bring into your life and take action in ritual and in the rest of your life to make it so.
A strong combination of energies, don't let it slip away.
February 1st is Imbolc. The halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The return of the sun is beginning to be felt in earnest. The heat and the light are increasing. Lambing season, the ultimate sign of spring in most of Europe, is nearly underway. It is not spring, but the earth is beginning to wake from the winter sleep and small signs of the new season are everywhere. A simple traditional way to celebrate this day is to light a candle in every room of the house, or simply turn on a light in each room and take a moment to appreciate the difference that light makes and be grateful for the return of the sun.
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http://www.careyoxler.com |
February 2 is a New Moon; always a good time to take stock of what you want to bring into your life and take action in ritual and in the rest of your life to make it so.
A strong combination of energies, don't let it slip away.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Full Moon
Full Moon today, January 19, more later.
Jan. 19:
21:22 GMT, UT
Jan. 19:
4:22 PM EST
3:22 PM CST
2:22 PM MST
1:22 PM PST
Jan. 19:
21:22 GMT, UT
Jan. 19:
4:22 PM EST
3:22 PM CST
2:22 PM MST
1:22 PM PST
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