I am so excited. I am going to the annual Drumming Up the Sun at Red Rocks Amphitheatre.
I have never been before.
Drumming Up the Sun is an combined effort of pagan groups in the Denver Metro Area.
It's a BIG drum circle celebrating the dawn on the solstice. Red Rocks is a natural amphitheatre just outside of Denver in the foothills. It is hard to photograph because it is so big. In the photo that center space is the seating area. At the top of that area the lighter stripe is a row of small buildings and the darker red area at the bottom of the seating area is the stage. It has all been enhanced; seats, wings on the stage, lighting etc etc, but the basic area is a natural stage. You can sit in the top row and hear someone speak on the stage with no amplification. The enormous rock formations on both sides trap and carry the sound. Red Rocks is a site of concerts (I saw the Beatles there many many years ago) and is famous for the Easter Sunrise Service, a non-denominational celebration.
These sorts of celebrations are breathtaking as the seating faces east and you can see over the top of the Denver skyline. I think you can see Kansas from there.
It is a fabulous site for something like a solstice celebration. I just hope is it a little warmer than it has been lately. It has been below zero here in the mornings.....need to warm that up a bit to spend a couple of hours standing out in it.