Blog changes
In an effort to get this blog back on track I have simplified it, deleted some of the attached one-topic blogs
and focused on Sabbats and Esbats, which was the original intent.
Other writings will be in 'stumbling upon the path of the goddess'
and the Borrowed Book of Charms is still active.
Links in the right hand column.
and focused on Sabbats and Esbats, which was the original intent.
Other writings will be in 'stumbling upon the path of the goddess'
and the Borrowed Book of Charms is still active.
Links in the right hand column.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
December Full Moon, Oak Moon, Cold Moon
In December our attention turns to the moon as its influence is spread over long hours and the sun retreats to the shortest days of the year. Your Full Moon ritual might include some expression of gratitude for the closure of the dark time and the return of the light at Solstice. Do not focus on the coming light just yet. This is a time to make sure that long term projects are completed before the Solstice. The is a time of closure, a time to let go of grievances that have affected the past year, a time of accounting for your goals and accomplishments. In preparation for the longer days just ahead, let go of the negative.
I find that meditation and ritual that include the Elements are wonderful for grounding and letting go of negativity. The Elements are here and now, not past, not future, they are the energy of now.
The Full Moon is on Wednesday December 2 at 2:30 am EST
Solstice is on December 21 at 12:47 pm EST
This is a powerful month for moon magick, the Blue Moon is on December 31 at 2:13 pm EST
More on the Blue Moon later
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
podcasts? a rant, be warned....

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know that I regularly cruise around looking for and checking out new pagan podcasts. I love the pagan podcasts, such great thoughts, entertaining stories and good music. My current favorite is Witchtalk for the GREAT interviews with well known pagan authors and activists. Ariel is still my all time favorite, his stuff goes on disk so I don't ever lose it. Darkly Fey has switched to the light side with her new Spirits Cast. Mojo and Sparrow, of course, Tommy Elf, Odin, Greywolf and many many more who produce these wonderful podcasts and offer great insight and personal experience.
You know what all the good ones have in common? THEY HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY.
While I love the fact that there are so many podcasts to chose from, we seem to be missing something lately.....namely, something to say!!
I just finished listening to 6, count em...SIX, new podcasts that have more than one episode out and shall remain nameless.
Here comes the nasty ole witch in me, but I just can't help it.....
A message to some wannabe podcasters....
That funny name we use for Halloween is not English, it is a Gaelic term for end of summer and it has a funny is NOT sam-hane. Look it up, even wikipedia can get it right.
All pagans are not Wiccans.
All pagans are not dualists.
All pagans do not follow the Rede. (and by the way that overused quote is only one line out of a very long and thought provoking piece of writing)
Bashing Christians should be left to those with the wit and style to do it gracefully. A description of giving the bird to an elderly family member who is Christian does not make me like you.
If you can talk for two minutes and say nothing but....hmmmm, ummmm, ya know, like, whatever and f--k, without any thought whatsoever mixed in there, you may win some sort of award but it won't be for broadcasting.
Yelling and cursing repeatedly reminds me of being in junior high and hiding behind the gym to smoke and bitch....not a great endorsement for a podcast.
Announcing that you are eager to teach me how to be a pagan left me spitting coffee on the computer, but otherwise was not impressive.
I appreciate that you are eager to make a contribution to the community but there is a time to learn and a time to teach.
Try being quiet and listening for now.
So for now I have no new podcasts to add to the list. If you haven't checked out the podcast list, it is on the right hand column. Not all of those listed are on my ipod, not all are personal favorites but all have something to say.
Now I think I will go listen to Druidcast.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Give-away WINNERS

(sorry this is a day late)
Here was the clue for the 'name that herb' give-away:
"Its cry is fatal to all that hear.
But it's a gift to a teacher a child holds dear.
The devil you say you don't believe.
But just ask Adam what he got from Eve."
The herb is Mandrake, also known as Satan's Apple.
Our 6 winners will be receiving their Mandrake in the mail ASAP.
Eva - Netherlands
Lindsey - Montana
Rhea - Illinois
Michelle - Norway
Sara - Florida
Tori - Colorado
Thanks for playing, we will be doing another give-away next month.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
November Full Moon

The November Full Moon is the Mourning Moon. This is the time for introspection, transformation and divination. Winter is coming but it will not last forever. If you have a relationship with a dark goddess, now might be a good time to do a special ritual for her, make a special offering and listen to any advice for the upcoming dark time of the year.
2:14 EST on November 2
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Scarlet Witch is doing a give-away!
spread the word...
GIVE-AWAY! In the spirit of Samhain, The Scarlet Witch is doing a giveaway. Search The Scarlet Witch website at and solve the riddle. Find the common name AND the folk name for this herb. We will do a drawing of all correct entries and six lucky people will receive an ounce of this magickal herb. Here is your clue:.....
"Its cry is fatal to all that hear.
But it's a gift to a teacher a child holds dear.
The devil you say you don't believe.
But just ask Adam what he got from Eve."
Send your answer to journey@thescarletwitch and include a mailing address before midnight on November 9. We will announce the winners here and on The Scarlet Witch Facebook Page on November 10.
GIVE-AWAY! In the spirit of Samhain, The Scarlet Witch is doing a giveaway. Search The Scarlet Witch website at http://www.thescarletwitch
"Its cry is fatal to all that hear.
But it's a gift to a teacher a child holds dear.
The devil you say you don't believe.
But just ask Adam what he got from Eve."
Send your answer to journey@thescarletwitch and include a mailing address before midnight on November 9. We will announce the winners here and on The Scarlet Witch Facebook Page on November 10.
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